
Saturday 12 October 2013

In his Utopia Sir Thomas More told about the Socialism or we can say Communism. in real fact this book is actually tells about an ideal society that would be desirable to can be a rationaly organised society to its ligical conclusion. Utopia is actually an Island where this Satopia is a World. there is some imperfaction and also the perfection as it has the imaginative and the real facts. again her in this Satopia there are many stuffs that is not like utopoian island. there are some selected topics in Utopia like Marriage, Educatioin,Law,Geography,Social Structures which are also in this world of Satopia.

  Coming Up
The Structures and The Settings of Satopia.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Today we are posting some of the maps for this world of Satopia and the background behind the creation of this world will be published on the next posts.So please wait!!keep us visiting!!
This is the earlier map
This is the one made today